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Funded Research Proposals


  1. PI in the “University Transportation Center on Improving Rail Transportation Infrastructure Sustainability and Durability”, U.S. Department of Transportation, 2016-2022, 10,500,000.
  2. PI in the “Developing Course Lecture Notes on High-Speed Rail”, Tier 1 University Transportation Consortium at UNR, 2016-2017, $25,000, 100%, 25,000.
  3. PI in the “Technical Feasibility Study of Passenger Rail Service along the East Route between Las Vegas and Los Angeles”, Self funded with software donation $60,000 from the Berkeley Simulation Software, LLC. and Las Vegas Railway Express, Inc., 2015
  4. PI in the “Technical Feasibility Study of Passenger Rail Service along the West Route between Las Vegas and Los Angeles”, Self funded with software donation $60,000 from the Berkeley Simulation Software, LLC. and Las Vegas Railway Express, Inc., 2014.
  5. Co-PI in the “Economic Assessment of the Ability of a “Land Ferry” System to Alleviate Increasing Costs of Maintaining the I-80 Transportation Corridor” , the Nevada Department of Transportation and the University Transportation Center, June 2013 – July 2014, $75,000, 1%, $7,500.
  6. PI at UNLV for the partnership with the Mineta Nation Transit Research Consortium, U.S. Department of Transportation, 2012-2015, $450,000, 46%, $204,593.
  7. PI in the “Developing Seamless Connections in the Urban Transit Network: A Look Toward High Speed Rail Interconnectivity”, the Mineta National Transit Research Consortium, U.S. Department of Transportation, 2012-2013, $79,985, 100%, $79,985.


Intelligent Transportation Systems and Highway Safety

  1. Co-PI in the “USDOT SHRP 2 IAP Project Assessing the Influence of Factors on Pedestrian-Turning-Traffic Crashes at Intersections”, U.S. Department of Transportation, 2014-2015, $81,172, 23%, 18,717.
  2. PI in the “Developing and Testing a LED System to Improve Pedestrian Safety in Nevada”, the Nevada Department of Transportation and the Tier 1 University Transportation Consortium at UNR, 2014-2015, 130,000,100%, $130,000.
  3. PI in the “Field Test of Speed Warning System on Freeways in Las Vegas, Nevada”, the Nevada Department of Transportation, 2013-2014, 84,234, 100%, 84,234.
  4. PI in the “Additional Field Test of Speed Warning System on Freeways in Las Vegas, Nevada”, the Nevada Department of Transportation and the University Transportation Center, 2013-2014, 67,465, 100%, 67,465.
  5. PI in the “Evaluation of Geometric Design Needs of Freeway Systems Based on Archived ITS and Safety Data”, jointly by the Nevada Department of Transportation and the University Transportation Center, 2012-2013. $100,000, 100%, 100,000.
  6. Co-PI in the “Development of an Analysis Tool for Evaluation of Marginal Impacts of Freeway Incidents in the Las Vegas Area using FAST’s Dashboard Freeway Data”, jointly by the Nevada Department of Transportation and the University Transportation Center, 2012-2013. $100,000, 100%, 103,727, 5%, $51,86.
  7. Co-PI in the “Safety and Design Guidelines for Marked and Unmarked Pedestrian Crosswalks at Unsignalized Locations and Midblock Crossings”, the Nevada Department of Transportation, 2010-2012, $160,000, 20%, $30,000.
  8. Co-PI in the “Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) Engineering Facility: A Roadmap to Success”, UNLV Research Infrastructure Award Program, 2008-2008, $94,375, 30%, $28,313.
  9. PI in the “Test Queue Detection Systems for Preventing Accidents in Nevada”, funded by the Nevada Department of Transportation and UNLV Applied Research Initiative, 2005-2006. $119,307, 60%, $71,584.
  10. PI in the “Testing and Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Advanced Technologies for Work Zones”, funded by the Nevada Department of Transportation and UNLV Applied Research Initiative, 2005-2006. $109,152, 50%, $54,572.
  11. Co-PI in the “Developing Accident Database for Transportation Planning for Regional Transportation Commission in Southern Nevada”, funded by the Regional Transportation Commission of Southern Nevada, 2007-2008. $150,023, 20%, $30,005.
  12. Co-PI in the “Evaluation of Operations of Signal Preemption for Emergency Vehicles to Enhance Traffic Flow”, funded by the Regional Transportation Commission of Southern Nevada and the Nevada Department of Transportation, 2005-2007. $170,000, 40%, $68,000.
  13. P.I. in the “Development of Technical Program and Compendia for National Symposia on ITS, Public Safety, Security, and Emergency Preparedness”, funded by the Department of Comprehensive Planning, Clark County, Nevada, 2004-2005. $24,979, 100%, $24,979.
  14. P.I. in the “ITS Infrastructure Maintenance Management”, funded by the Center of ITS Implementation, Federal Highway Administration, $60,000, 100%, 2002-2004.
  15. P.I. in the “VMT Estimation Based on ITS Data”, funded by the Center of ITS Implementation, Federal Highway Administration, $60,000, 100%, 2002-2004.
  16. P.I. in the “Rubbernecking Effect of Incidents”, funded by the Center of ITS Implementation, Federal Highway Administration, $60,000, 100%, 2002-2004.
  17. Participated in the “Travel Time Estimation in Northern Virginia”, funded by the Center of ITS Implementation, Federal Highway Administration, 2002-2004.
  18. Participated in the “Development of Truck Parking Information System for I-81 in Virginia”, funded by the Center of ITS Implementation, Federal Highway Administration, 2002-2004.
  19. P.I. in the “Frequency of Work Zone Accidents on Construction Projects”, funded by the New York State Department of Transportation and the University Transportation Research Center, Federal Highway Administration, $75,000, 50%, 2002-2004.
  20. Participated in the “Evaluation of a Parking Information System in New York City”, funded by the New York City Department of City Planning, 1998-2000.
  21. P.I. in the “Integrated Incident Management System Congestion Impact Evaluation”, funded by the New York State Department of Transportation, $60,000, 100%, 2001-2003.
  22. Co-PI in the “Synthesis Report on Changeable Message Signs that Depict Symbols and Words”, funded by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), U.S. Department of Transportation, $62,500, 45%, 2001-2002.
  23. P.I. in the “Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) Operational Support (Maintenance) Contracts, funded by the University Transportation Research Center Region 2 (FHWA), the New Jersey Department of Transportation, $139,755, 50%, 2001-2002.
  24. P.I. in the “The Evaluation Study to Measure the Effectiveness of Adaptive Traffic Signal Control with Vehicle Priority and Preemption in the New York City Environment”, funded by the New York City Department of Transportation, $218,329, 80%, 1999-2002.
  25. P.I. in the “Intelligent Transportation Systems Benefits and Costs”, funded by the New York State Department of Transportation, $20,688, 100%, 1999-2000.
  26. Participated in the “A Sequential Hypothesis Testing-Based Decision-Making System for Freeway Incident Response”, funded by ITS-IDEA Program, Transportation Research Board, National Research Council, 1994-1995.
  27. Participated in the “The CUSUM Algorithm for Freeway Incident Detection”, funded by Federal Highway Administration and the Indiana Department of Transportation (HPR 2090), 1995-1996.


Air Quality

  1. Co-PI in the “Build a Mobile Vehicle for In-Situ Measurement of Dust of UFP and PM1”, funded by the University Transportation Center, 2007-2010. $97,969, 30%, $29,391.
  2. Co-PI in the “Final Phase of the Expanded Paved Road Dust Emission Measurement Project”, funded by the Department of Air Quality and Environmental Management, Clark County, Nevada, 2006-2007. $89,220, 25%, $ 22,305.
  3. Co-PI in the “Expanded Paved Road Dust Emission Measurement Project”, funded by the Department of Air Quality and Environmental Management, Clark County, Nevada, 2005, $63,596, 25%, $15,899.
  4. Co-PI in the “Paved Road Dust Emission Measurement Project (AP-42)”, funded by the Department of Air Quality and Environmental Management, Clark County, Nevada, 2004-2005. $19,997, 40%, $7,999.
  5. P.I. in the “Verification of VMT Mix for MOBILE6”, funded by Virginia Transportation Research Council, $109,420, 100%, 2003-2004.
  6. P.I. in the “Analytical Tool for Measuring Emission Impact of ACCEL/DECEL”, funded by the New Jersey Department of Transportation, the University Transportation Research Center (Federal Highway Administration), $75,000, 100%, 1999-2000.


Infrastructure Management and Others

  1. Co-PI in the “Development of a Tool for an Efficient Calibration of CORSIM Models”, the Nevada Department of Transportation and the University Transportation Center, June 2013 – July 2014, $130,000, 40%, $52,000.
  2. PI in the “Impact of System Expansion on Maintenance Resources”, funded by the Nevada Department of Transportation, 2008-2010. $129,302, 100%, $129,302.
  3. PI in the “Analysis of Alternatives for Accommodating Trucks on Urban Freeways in Southern Nevada”, jointly by the Nevada Department of Transportation and the University Transportation Center, 2007-2010. $143,704, 60%, $86,222.
  4. Co-PI in the “Develop Guidelines for Access Management in Las Vegas”, funded by the University Transportation Center, 2007-2010. $74,381, 40%, $29,752.
  5. PI in the “Anti-Graffiti Countermeasures in Nevada”, funded by the Nevada Department of Transportation, 2006-2007. $81,820, 100%, $81,820.
  6. Participated in the “Freight Planning Considering Supply Chain”, funded by Mid-Atlantic University Transportation Center, 2003-2004.
  7. Co-PI in the “Task 2: Options for Expanding the Central Business District (CBD) Freight Model to the Rest of the Region”, funded by the New York Metropolitan Transportation Council, $3,000, 100%, 1999-2000 .
  8. Participated in the “Development of Detailed Procedures for Developing the WVDOT Statewide Traffic Assignment Model (STAM) and Socio-Economic Database Using GIS Technique”, funded by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, 1997-1998.
  9. P.I. in the “A Study on the Relationship between Regional Economic Development and Transportation Corridors in China”, funded by Operation Research Office in the Ministry of Railway, 1988-1989.
  10. P.I. in the “Province-Wide Economic Development and Transportation Network Planning”, funded by Policy Research Office in the Ministry of Railway, 1989-1990.
  11. Participated in the “Train Organization: Dispatching Trains Based on a Predefined Train Schedule (Stage 1 & 2)”, funded by Operation Research Office in the Ministry of Railway, 1985-1990.